Thursday, May 7, 2015

Post Revolution

A culture will change after a country wide revolution. After the revolution, Iran was in a bit of mess. There was no strong economy, nor government structure. Nor was there a strong military process. After the Shah left,  there were many political parties trying to gain control of the governemnt; every political party from small liberal parties to very Islamic parties ( Within the justice system, there was also a lot of confusion. The people running the courts were making very controversial decisions that cause a lot of upset with lawyers and human rights activists ( Even as the country was trying to rebuild, there were revolutions happening against the new government, because there were so many conflicting ideas within the country, causing unrest.

 "History of Iran: Iran after the Victory of 1979's Revolution." History of Iran: Iran after the Victory of 1979's Revolution. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. <>.

"Picture :Tehran_Iranian_Revolution_Anniversary_1979.jpg." Iranian Historical Photographs Gallery:Group of Iranian Women in Chador Holding Flowers Gather during Iranian Revolution Demonstrations in Tehran for Some Special Occasion Probablly 17 Shahrivar Martyrs, Sep, 7 1979. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2015. <>.

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